Module allintelligence.dehashedwrapper

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import requests
from allintelligence.config import DEHASHED_API_KEY, DEHASHED_USER_API

Dehashed module to obtain leaks.

__author__: AllPentesting

def petition(email):
    Function responsible for making a request to dehashed
        - email: Mail of the person who wants to get information leaks
    response = requests.get('\'"'+email+'"\'', auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(DEHASHED_USER_API,DEHASHED_API_KEY), headers={'Accept':'application/json'})
        return __parser(response.json())

    except Exception:
        return {"error":"Error with Dehashed"}

def __parser(leaks):
    Function responsible for interpreting the json obtained through requests and returns a dictionary with the leaks.
        - leaks: JSON que nos proporciona dehashed
        array_leaks = []
        # We access the key entries where the leaks information is located
        for leak in leaks["entries"]:
            # We are adding the leaks to the array
        return array_leaks

    except Exception:
        # If the credentials are invalid, it will return a JSON with the key success that will be "False"
        if(leaks["success"] == False):
            return {"error":"Invalid credentials"}
        return {"error":"Leaks not found"}


def __parser(leaks)

Function responsible for interpreting the json obtained through requests and returns a dictionary with the leaks.


  • leaks: JSON que nos proporciona dehashed
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def __parser(leaks):
    Function responsible for interpreting the json obtained through requests and returns a dictionary with the leaks.
        - leaks: JSON que nos proporciona dehashed
        array_leaks = []
        # We access the key entries where the leaks information is located
        for leak in leaks["entries"]:
            # We are adding the leaks to the array
        return array_leaks

    except Exception:
        # If the credentials are invalid, it will return a JSON with the key success that will be "False"
        if(leaks["success"] == False):
            return {"error":"Invalid credentials"}
        return {"error":"Leaks not found"}
def petition(email)

Function responsible for making a request to dehashed


  • email: Mail of the person who wants to get information leaks
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def petition(email):
    Function responsible for making a request to dehashed
        - email: Mail of the person who wants to get information leaks
    response = requests.get('\'"'+email+'"\'', auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(DEHASHED_USER_API,DEHASHED_API_KEY), headers={'Accept':'application/json'})
        return __parser(response.json())

    except Exception:
        return {"error":"Error with Dehashed"}